Passenger plane shot down. “Hidden” leaders increasingly criticized leadership. Iran Jan. 12 4:47

Despite many Iranian passengers being killed in Iran following the Iranian military's acceptance of a U.K. Criticism is growing.

Iran's Joint Chiefs of Staff has turned over on August 11 after a Ukrainian Airliner plane departed from an airport near Tehran, the capital of Iran, and crashed shortly after takeoff, killing all 176 passengers and crew. Admitted that he had accidentally shot down.

Commander Hajizade, a member of the Revolutionary Defense Corps aviation unit, mistakenly identified a passenger aircraft as an enemy cruise missile and raised missiles to intercept as the level of alertness on the air defense system was raised as much as possible in preparation for an attack from the United States across Iran. Explained that it was fired.

In response, Iran was initially criticized by leaders for concealing the shooting-down, despite many victims of its own passengers on airliners, leaving Tehran on Thursday. A protest demonstration was held at.

More than 1,000 people participated in the demonstration, and those who gathered shouted, "Death to a dictator," and accused Supreme Leader Khamenei. It is unusual to openly blame the Supreme Leader in a strict Islamic regime in Iran.

Citizens were saying, "The government should have known what had happened from the beginning. It lied the worst."

Iran's leadership is facing a tough situation with tensions from the United States, along with growing domestic criticism of the downfall of passenger aircraft.

British Prime Minister needs international research

British Prime Minister Johnson has issued a statement on Tuesday after acknowledging that the Iranian army had accidentally shot down a Ukrainian airliner carrying nearly 180 passengers, including British.

He noted that Iran's admission was "an important first step" and that "a comprehensive, transparent and independent international investigation is needed." Called for cooperation in international research.