The National Meteorological Center expected that the weather conditions will generally ease, today, to make the weather cloudy to partly cloudy, with the chances of some rains continuing in some northern, eastern and coastal areas, pointing to a noticeable decrease in temperature, and the possibility of freezing water or snow on Mountain peaks.

The state has been affected for three days by a state of air instability, as a result of the presence of an upper low air stretch from the west, accompanied by a cold air mass, with which a surface air depression from the Red Sea coincides, which led to rain of varying intensity on separate areas of the state.

The center pointed out that the winds will be northwest at an active speed in general, sometimes strong on the sea, and their speed ranges from 30 to 45 kilometers per hour, up to 55 kilometers per hour on the sea, which remains turbulent to very turbulent at times in the Arabian Gulf, and turbulent in the Sea of ​​Oman .

The country witnessed unusual rains during the past two days, which led to water bodies in different areas of its cities, which sometimes called for diversions in traffic.

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