• Justice.The Supreme charge against the Government for favoring Oriol Junqueras

Oriol Junqueras no longer has MEP status. This is at least believed by the European Parliament, as reported this Friday afternoon, after studying its legal services the decision of the Supreme Court, which concludes that the leader of ERC is disabled and can not occupy his seat.

The Eurocámara estimates, following the decision of the EU Court of Justice in December, that Junqueras did have that status as a deputy between July and the end of the year, but as of January 3, when the Central Electoral Board said that those convicted by final sentence, under penalty of deprivation of liberty, "they are ineligible", no longer.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Oriol Junqueras
  • European Parliament
  • ERC
  • Supreme Court
  • Proced judgment
  • Europe
  • Catalonia

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