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Prime Minister Boris Johnson during a debate in the House of Commons after the Queen's speech in London on December 19, 2019. UK Parliament / Jessica Taylor

British MPs gave their final approval to the text that will allow the UK to leave the European Union on January 31 in a historic vote after three and a half years of crisis on Thursday.

The House of Commons, largely dominated by Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson, adopted the text with 330 votes in favor (231 against). After being examined by the House of Lords - the upper house of Parliament - next week and then the Queen's assent, the text, which translates into law the Brexit agreement, will have to be ratified by the European Parliament on January 29. , two days before the fateful date.

Citizens' rights, transition period, financial settlement: the treaty on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU aims to allow a smooth divorce and to solve the headache of the Irish border. The text provides for a transition period until December 31, 2020, during which the British will continue to apply and benefit from European rules. They will pay their financial contribution, but without sitting in the institutions or participating in decisions.

The transition aims to avoid a sudden break, especially for economic players, and to give time to negotiate the future relationship between London and the EU, which looks very difficult in the time available. According to the agreement, this period could be extended only once, and by mutual agreement, up to the end of 2022. But Boris Johnson refused and added a provision prohibiting an extension in the implementing law passed on Thursday.

The 3.2 million Europeans in the United Kingdom and 1.2 million British on the continent will be able to continue studying, working, receiving benefits and bringing their families.

(With Afp)