Secretary of Defense Kono on Phone Call with US Secretary of Defense "Diplomatic Efforts in the Middle East" January 8, 5:29 AM

As tensions in the Middle East increase, Defense Minister Kono talks with U.S. Secretary of Defense Esper on the phone on the night of the night to convey Japan's position that it is important to make diplomatic efforts to alleviate tensions and to gather information. Explained the dispatch of the Self-Defense Forces to strengthen

The telephone talk was held for about 10 minutes on the night of the 7th.

In this context, Defense Minister Kono mentioned Japan's position that it is important to make diplomatic efforts to ease tensions in the Middle East. He also explained the dispatch of escort ships and patrol aircraft to strengthen the information gathering system necessary to ensure the safety of ships related to Japan.

In response, Secretary Esper explained the situation in the Middle East, including Iran.