
The situation in the Middle East is urgent, and criticism has now emerged in the United States that the Trump government does not seem to have a strategy to control the situation. President Trump, who likes Twitter, is improvised and impulsive.

The atmosphere of the United States was delivered by correspondent Jeong Jun-hyung from Washington.


The day that Commander Soleimani was assassinated, President Trump posted the American flag on the tweets without any explanation.

The next day, Soleimani plotted to kill more Americans, emphasizing that the assassination was self-defense.

There was no specific explanation and public opinion was not very good.

Then, when Iran foretold a retaliation attack, it said it would immediately strike back 52 places, including Iran's cultural heritage.

[Conway / White House Senior Advisor: Iran has many strategic military bases and cultural sites. In that sense, the 52 locations mentioned by the President are significant.]

The White House came to a late explanation after accused of destroying cultural heritage as a terrorist or war crime.

The more trump tweets President Trump shows, the more anxious in the United States.

CNN reports that the Trump administration is in danger of losing control of the situation after the removal of Soleimani.

Only improvised and rough tweets aren't showing a strategy to stop Iran's retaliation.

The Washington Post also pointed out that it was a big problem for Trump not to have an experienced staff.

There is growing concern over President Trump's improvisational tendency to move and believe that a prolonged Middle East crisis could be a poison to Trump for reelection.

(Video coverage: Park Eunha, Video editing: Jeon Mingyu)

▶ red flag flying Iran "America's favorite place in the sea"