President Trump has warned that Iran is ready to strike back at 52 attacks when Iran threatens retaliation against the United States following the death of the military leader Soleimani.

Trump said in a tweet, "Iran has long been a headache," and the United States has already set Iran's 52 targets in case Iran attacks Americans or American assets.

Trump says 52 means Iran's 52-year-old hostage.

Some of the 52 targets are very high and important for Iran and its culture, and that they will be hit very quickly and severely, he said. "We don't want any more threats."

President Trump called Soleimani a "terrorist leader," and criticized "Iran's blatantly blaming the US for targeting specific US assets as revenge for removing him from the world."

Iran's top leader Ayatollah Ali Hamenei made an urgent statement on Monday after killing Solemaniy and said "criminal reprisal is awaiting." Warned.

(Photo = Getty Images Korea)