The Libyan parliament voted unanimously, today, Saturday, to cut ties with Turkey, in light of its intention to send military forces to Libya in support of the Tripoli government headed by Fayez al-Sarraj, during an emergency session held by the Libyan parliament in the east of the country.

"The Libyan House of Representatives voted unanimously to sever ties with Turkey, and the parliament also unanimously voted to cancel the security and military cooperation memoranda and to demarcate the maritime borders signed between the Tripoli government and the Turkish system and to consider them as if they were not," Libyan Parliament spokesman Abdullah Bleihaq said in a press statement. , Describing the Al-Sarraj government as "illegal."

The council also voted to "refer the head of the Al-Wefaq government, his foreign and interior ministers, and everyone who contributed to bringing colonialism to Libya, to justice for the charge of high treason,"

The leader of the Libyan National Army, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, announced yesterday evening, "the horn" to repel any Turkish military intervention in his country, and called Haftar the Turks to rise up against their president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who described him as "adventurer", and Haftar confirmed that "Erdogan is pushing his army To the destruction in Libya, and ignites discord between Muslims and the peoples of the entire region to satisfy his whims. "

Haftar said in a speech broadcast on "Al-Hadath Libya" channel: "We declare confrontation, accept the challenge and close ranks, reject our differences among us, and announce jihad, al-nafir, and comprehensive mobilization, and every free Libyan who carries arms, men and women, military and civilian, to defend our land, our honor, and our honor."

It is noteworthy that the Turkish parliament, last Thursday, approved a memorandum submitted by Erdogan that allows sending soldiers to support the Saraj government in Tripoli, in a step that threatens to escalate the conflict in this country, while US President Donald Trump warned of "any foreign interference" in Libya.