The killing of General Qassem Soleimani, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, in a US air raid near Baghdad International Airport, sparked a state of maximum alert in the American administration.

At a time when there is a state of unanimity and welcoming the killing of General Soleimani, who is responsible for many deaths, opinions differ regarding the repercussions of this move among Democrats, amid warnings of what will happen.

In the first worms that followed the announcement of the killing of Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the deputy head of the Popular Mobilization Authority in the bombing of their car on the road to Baghdad Airport, the US Department of Defense (the Pentagon) said that the US military has taken decisive defensive action to protect Americans abroad by killing Soleimani listed on The list of terrorism by the United States as it put it.

"At the direction of the President, the US military carried out decisive defensive action to protect Americans abroad by killing Qasim Soleimani," the Pentagon statement said.

Trump ordered the killing of Soleimani (Reuters)

Attack and motives
The Pentagon added in a statement that Soleimani was the one who approved the attacks on the American embassy in Baghdad this week, noting that he was actively developing plans to attack American diplomats and service personnel in Iraq and throughout the region.

The statement also indicated that Soleimani and his Quds Force were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of American and coalition forces, as well as the injury of thousands of others.

The Pentagon said that the strike by its forces was aimed at deterring future Iranian attack plans.

In the same context, the White House said, Soleimani was planning to attack American diplomats and the American army in Iraq and the region.

As for the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, he considered the Soleimani killing an opportunity for Iraq to chart a future out of Iran's control.

Pelosi considered that this raid threatens to spark further escalation (French)

Advance notification
For its part, the House Foreign Affairs Committee said that the US Congress had not been informed in advance of the decision to assassinate Soleimani, while the head of this committee made it clear that the country was on the verge of a direct confrontation again in the Middle East.

"This strike was done without notifying or consulting with Congress," said Rep. Elliot Engel in a statement.

New York State Rep. Added, "Carrying out such a dangerous act without involving Congress involves dangerous legal problems and constitutes an affront to the powers of Congress."

And the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, considered that the raid that led to Soleimani's death threatens to spark a further serious escalation of violence, considering that the United States and the world cannot tolerate the escalation of tensions to the point of no return.

Step up and break into
It is noteworthy that this strike came in the wake of an escalation between the United States on the one hand and the Iraqi popular crowd and its supporters on the other.

The supporters of the crowd stormed the American embassy in Baghdad and their protests continued in front of it for two days, to denounce the air raids launched by the American army last Sunday against the bases of the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades, one of the factions of the popular crowd supported by Iran.

Washington said the air strikes that killed 25 people were in response to missile attacks that killed an American contractor in northern Iraq.

On Thursday, US Defense Secretary Mark Esper said that there are indications that Iran or factions that have its support may plan further attacks, and that his country may take proactive moves to protect American forces.