• Investidura.The PSOE endorses a consultation in Catalonia: "The population must be able to participate to overcome the conflict"

With an eye on future and probable elections to the Generalitat in the coming months, Esquerra Republicana de Cataluña (ERC) and Junts Per Catalunya (JxCat) have begun to use any disagreement to stage that increasingly have interests farther away, despite that share a single objective: to reside the Government without the presence of the other party . In this way, the so-called independence unit demonstrates that it has had a few solid foundations the times that have been used to try to pressure the State, since the electoral interests of the two formations are enough to crack it.

The last trigger has been ERC's support for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez to preside over the Government. Although the National Consell of the Republicans must endorse the agreement reached with the Socialists at their meeting this Thursday, the pact is so imminent and leaves Esquerra with a favorable position within the independentista electorate , for starting the commitment to the PSOE to validate in a consultation to the citizenship any progress in a negotiation between the Government and the Generalitat, which JxCat's misgivings have exploded. To such an extent that the neoconvergents doubt ERC's loyalty to the Catalan Executive and, by extension, to the sovereignty process.

The nth staging of this disagreement will take place this Thursday when the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, and the vice president and national coordinator of ERC, Pere Aragonès, will meet to address the investiture agreement of the socialist Pedro Sánchez. After knowing this pact, Torra affected as vice president that a party agreement should not bind the Government , and JxCat is also part of the Catalan government. Aragonès will try to file harshness in this meeting, according to several sources, although Torra's position is increasingly weakened as it is at the door of a possible disqualification by the Central Electoral Board following his conviction for disobedience by the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia.

JxCat Angry

Shortly after knowing this ERC agreement to abstain in the investiture of Sanchez, JxCat spokeswoman in the Congress of Deputies, Laura Borràs, publicly showed her disagreement with the Republicans by remembering that in the agreed “negotiating table”, that the Socialists want the State-Generalitat bilateral commission to be known, it is not known whether there will be “prior censorship, if there are issues that have been vetoed. We do not know if it is a matter of negotiation or salvation to be able to make this endowment "and that is why he added that" we do not trust empty promises or toast to the sun. "

However, Borràs went further by ensuring that they learned about the agreement between ERC and PSOE «even later than the two groups that are in opposition to the government of Catalonia. I don't think it's a sign of loyalty or respect, either towards the Government or the president of the Generalitat ». After JxCat, other independentist entities more similar to the postulates of former President Carles Puigdemont escaped to Belgium, such as the Catalan National Assembly (ANC) whose president, Elisenda Paluzie, said that the Republicans' agreement with the Socialists "would close the cycle of opportunity of independence ». In addition, he had no qualms about regretting the pact as it does not specifically talk about a referendum of self-determination or the "freedom" of sovereign leaders convicted of sedition and serving time.

Even the Democràtes formation, which in the past Catalan elections was presented together with ERC and obtained two deputies in the Parliament, said they will debate if they leave the Republican group in the Catalan Chamber for the investiture agreement with the Socialists. The spokesman of this formation, which came out of a split of Unió, Antoni Castellà said through social networks that “when you are in conflict and your enemy you know that he always cheats and also has held hostages, having the votes to make him fall, Last thing you do is stabilize it ».

Despite these pressures, everything points to the fact that the National Consell of ERC, formed by about 200 people, will endorse the decision of the Executive to facilitate the investiture of Pedro Sánchez with an abstention, a scenario that also has the blessing of the president of the Republican party Oriol Junqueras who is in prison convicted of sedition.

The Parliament gives the face for Torra

The Parliament asked the Central Electoral Board (JEC) not to disable Quim Torra as a deputy, which would lead him to stop presiding over the Generalitat. On Friday, the requests of PP, Cs and Vox are debated so that Torra is disqualified for his conviction for disobedience by the TSJC by ignoring the orders of the JEC and allowing independentist symbols in public buildings during election time.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • ERC
  • Junts per Catalunya
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Quim Torra
  • PSOE
  • Catalonia
  • ANC
  • Oriol Junqueras
  • Vox
  • PP
  • Laura Borràs
  • Congress of Deputies
  • Citizens
  • Belgium
  • Catalan Elections
  • Politics

CataloniaQuim Torra demands self-determination and amnesty of prisoners after being recognized by Pedro Sánchez

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