• Mattarella: public institutions must promote social cohesion
  • Political reactions to President Mattarella's speech


01 January 2020Over 10 million Italians have followed the end-of-year speech by President Sergio Mattarella. The share has touched 60 percent. These data are relevant and almost superimposable to those of the previous year.

Mattarella also climbed the Youtube ranking: the video of his speech was the second most downloaded video on social media preferred by young people between yesterday evening and today.

These are the details that have been collected regarding televisions:

RaiUno 4,905,110
RaiDue 559.871
RaiTre 833.786
RaiNews 26,801
Channel 5 2,513,929
ReteQuattro 514.105
La7 596.866
TgCom24 17.306
SkyTg24 116.662
SkyTg24 (50) 37.116
TOTAL 10.121.552. Share 59.51.

New exploit on the web, therefore, for the speech. As already happened last year, the video of the message from the President of the Republic was downloaded by over 91,000 people on YouTube (to which the 12,000 videos with subtitles must be added). The Quirinale's Twitter account then recorded 53,000 interactions, over 36,000 citations, around 77,000 exits with the hashtag #discorsodifineanno. Finally, over 70% of the comments on the speech were positive.