
Pro-Iran anti-American protesters who attacked the US embassy in Iraq eventually withdrew after the protests overnight. It is also reported that additional US troops may be deployed to respond to the incident.

Reporter Park Ha-jung on the sidewalk.


Flames that appear to be Molotov cocktails fly into the US embassy in Baghdad, Iraq.

Protesters, who set fire to external facilities such as guard posts and entered some inside, withdrew after two days of protests in front of the embassy.

The attack was triggered by militia leaders killed by US bombings targeting Shi'ite militias in Iraq.

Protesters called for the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq.

[Protesters: We gathered to drive out Americans and embassies from Iraq. Revenge for the martyr soldiers.]

President Trump wrote on Twitter that all damage would cost Iran the responsibility.

[Secretary of State Pompeio / US President Trump has ordered us to respond quickly, decisively and carefully by ensuring that we have enough resources to keep people and embassies safe.]

Iran's chief leader, Ayatollah Hamenei, unusually retweeted to President Trump.

"You can't do anything," he responded. "Those countries hated the United States because of crimes in the United States."

In response to the incident, 750 US troops were dispatched to Iraq, and an additional 4,000 paratroopers were introduced.