
By Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 31 December 2019 The landings of migrants in Italy, compared to 2018, decreased by 50.92 percent. This was found by the statistical dashboard of the Ministry of the Interior which compared the data collected day by day starting from January 1st 2019 until December 31st.

The updated picture on the trend of arrivals in Italy, on the presence of migrants in our country and on the asylum requests presented are collected and processed by the Department for Civil Liberties and Immigration.

In 2018 the number of immigrants who landed on our shores was 23,370 while in the year that is about to end 11,471 people were.

In the graph which, instead, highlights the monthly comparison between the years 2017, 2018 and 2019, there is an increase in landings with the Conte 2 government. In September 2019 the threshold is 2,498, while in the same month of the previous year is 947; in October 2.017 (2019) against 1007 in 2018; in November 1,232 against 980 (2018); in December 2019 the number is 589, while in the same month of 2018, people stop at 359.

Unaccompanied foreign minors are falling in 2019. There are a total of 1,680 against 3,536 in 2018. Lombardy is confirmed as the region that hosts the most migrants, 12,680, Emilia Romagna ranks second with 9,406, followed by Lazio with 8,515. The nationality declared at the time of landing sees a pre-eminence of Tunisians (2,654) followed by Pakistan (1,180) and Ivory Coast (1,139).