Pope Francis rebuked this Tuesday visibly upset a woman who grabbed him by the hand and pushed him toward her, while greeting the faithful on his visit to St. Peter's Square after officiating the last Mass of the year.

The woman, with Asian features, was next to the rest of the faithful behind the security barriers of the square and when the pope passed in front of her, he grabbed her hand and suddenly pulled him towards her.

Francisco immediately tried to get rid of the woman and, after doing so, hit his hand in a sign of repressing , visibly irritated, while his security officers approached to help him, although they did not have to intervene.

The encounter occurred in the square of San Pedro del Vaticano, where the Argentine pontiff arrived to visit the tree and the Bethlehem Portal installed during the Christmas period.

This happened moments after officiating the last mass of the year , that of the first vespers of the Solemnity of the Blessed Mother of God and of gratitude for the year 2019.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Pope Francis I
  • The Vatican
  • Italy
  • Religion

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