
December 31, 2019 Immediately after the speech by President Mattarella, the comments of political and institutional leaders arrived

Casellati: we start from Italy of excellence
The President of the Senate, Elisabetta Casellati said: "I share the words of President Mattarella on the image of Italy in the world, where our country is considered more and better than we do ourselves". "I believe that the reference to the critical issues that must be addressed as a priority - added the President of the Senate - from work for young people to support the economic and productive fabric, from the relaunch of the South to the protection of the environment and of the territories at risk of instability" hydrogeological up to the support to families and the elderly population that demographic imbalances are making more and more prevalent ".

Fig: listen to Mattarella's warning that focuses on work, young people and the environment
"Every December 31st brings with it moments of reflection and balance, we retrace what we have done and experienced throughout the year, to project ourselves into the future. It is a moment that unites us all. And I believe that the wise words of President Mattarella tonight have embellished this moment by reminding us all, and in particular those who hold public positions, the daily and constant commitment that we must carry out to make our community stronger and more cohesive and to improve the quality of life for all ". The President of the Chamber, Roberto Fico wrote it on Facebook. "There are many and different fragilities that exist in our society, in our cities. We all know how fragile our territory is. A community worthy of this name is seen in the way it tries to protect those who are fragile, what is fragile; you see it in the way it tightens around those who are in difficulty and helps them recover; in the way they try to prevent events that can overwhelm lives and cause disasters. For this reason, we must listen to the head of state's warning that shines the spotlight at work, on young people, on the environment ".

Count: we can improve the country. It is a task within our reach
"I have carefully followed the words spoken by President Mattarella during the traditional end of year message. The references to Italy 'of altruism and duty' and to the culture of responsibility, as well as the invitation to work to improve cohesion social are indications that we must all lay at the foundation of our daily action ". The Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte wrote it on Facebook. "Designing a welcoming society for future generations, fighting climate change, making working relationships more stable, bridging the gap between North and South are the foundations on which to build tomorrow's national community today," he stressed. "In his speech, President Mattarella traced the route to work together to deliver a better country to our children. His speech puts trust in Italy and its wonderful energies: in our young people, in the creativity that makes us great in the whole world, in the civic sense and of deep solidarity that is proper to our tradition ".

Zingaretti: words of hope, we will do our part
" Speech full of hope and trust for the future of our country". Nicola Zingaretti, secretary of the Democratic Party, wrote it on his social profiles. "President Mattarella reminded us that we enter the twenties of this century and, without hiding our problems, we must bet on Italy that has the strength, spirit, passion, trust and culture to start again. We owe it to the new generations in the first place who expect work and future. Thank you President. We will do our part with all the passion we can. "

D'Incà: from Mattarella new testimony of wise foresight
"Developing a civic sense and a culture of responsibility, giving trust to young people and families, protecting work and acting to protect the environment. Once again President Mattarella gave testimony of his wise foresight. Happy 2020, President" . So on Twitter the Minister for Relations with Parliament, Federico D'Incà (M5s).

Italia Viva: great appreciation for words Head of State
Italia Viva, through the mouth of the national coordinators Ettore Rosato and Teresa Bellanova, expresses "great appreciation for the words of the Head of State". "Of the end-of-year speech of President Mattarella - reads - the warning on growth and the appeal to new families and young people, to whom responsibility and trust must be given, are particularly appreciated. The fundamental role of Europe and the importance of renewed attention to environmental issues. There is only one way to respond to the calls of the new decade, the path of growth that Italia Viva has placed since the beginning as its priority ".

Fat: Mattarella tells us which way to go
"The reflections and exhortations of the Head of State bring us back to our constitutional values, and show us the way forward for the good of our communities, for the cohesion of our country: solidarity, work, fight against inequalities. With commitment of all a better future is possible. Thank you President Mattarella! ". So Senator Pietro Grasso (Leu) in a Facebook post.

Salvini: ready to take over the country as soon as he is incapacitated "As soon as the incapable ones in the government will remove the trouble and the Italians will be able to vote again, we are ready to take the country by the hand". So the secretary of the League Matteo Salvini, in a statement released after the end of the year speech by the President of the Republic, Sergio Mattarella.

Berlusconi: Mattarella's speech captures country positivity, against defeatism
"A speech of good wishes, that of the President of the Republic, capable of grasping the elements of positivity in the reality of our country and the reasons for staying united beyond political opposition and for looking ahead with optimism, despite everything, to tomorrow. This is what it should be knowing how to do politics, in Italy too often poisoned by the clash between factions and the language of hatred and defeatism ". So the leader of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi.

Melons: from Mattarella, a strong reference to Italian identity and family centrality
"A strong reference to the Italian identity, centrality of the family, growth of Italy from north to south, pride for the many positive examples that come to us from our fellow citizens. From President Mattarella a high-profile speech with ambitious goals that unfortunately collide with the mediocre daily life of a government incapable of giving positive answers. We hope that 2020 will give us back a government chosen by the people, cohesive and credible, capable of rekindling hope in all Italians ". This was stated by the president of Fratelli d'Italia, Giorgia Meloni.