A couple in their 70s in Bjuv were deceived by a person who called them and pretended to be a police officer. The person claimed that the couple's children had been involved in a traffic accident and requested that they identify themselves with the bank ID.

Since then, money has disappeared from their account. The police have seen that someone either bought things or took out money in Romania.

- It's both naughty and ugly. It's calculated to get the goalie off balance and be shocked to play at someone's fear, says police spokesman Calle Persson.

Several recent times

A man in his 90s has also been deceived by a person who pretended to come from his bank. The fraudster has alleged that someone took a loan in the man's name and that the bank needed his credit card, after which a person came and retrieved the card.

Over the past week, a number of aging crimes have occurred in southern Sweden, especially Malmö and its environs. The police see connection in some cases.

- We see many similarities in many cases, but also differences. If it is exactly the same perpetrators, we do not know but probably in many cases, says Calle Persson.