The US ambassador to Poland, Georgette Mosbacher, is sure that Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin are guilty of unleashing the Second World War. She wrote about this on her Twitter.

“Dear President Putin, Hitler, and Stalin colluded to start World War II. It is a fact. Poland was a victim of this terrible conflict, ”said Mosbacher.

Thus, she reacted to the reminder of Russian President Vladimir Putin that before the start of the war a number of European countries, including Poland, made a deal with Nazi Germany.

Leonid Slutsky, head of the State Duma’s Committee on Foreign Affairs, commenting on the ambassador’s tweet, called her words illiterate and added that they encourage the planting of historical lies.

State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin called on the US State Department to test his ambassadors for knowledge of the history of the country in which they work. He noted that Mosbacher’s statement is offensive not only to citizens of the Russian Federation and countries of the former USSR, but also to American citizens.

In turn, the Russian Foreign Ministry suggested that the ambassador taught history poorly at school.

“We are surprised to hear this from the US ambassador, a country that was our ally in World War II. It seems that the American ambassador to Poland did not do well in history at school, ”the department noted, recalling that the beginning of the war was preceded by a Munich agreement.

In September, the European Parliament adopted a resolution “On the Importance of Preserving Historical Memory for the Future of Europe,” which states that the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact (Non-aggression Treaty between Germany and the Soviet Union, signed in 1939) supposedly “divided Europe and the territories of independent states between two totalitarian regimes that paved the way for the start of World War II. ”

Putin said that he was "surprised and hurt" by a resolution that actually "put the Nazi aggressors and the Soviet Union on the same level." At a meeting of CIS leaders, Putin presented his colleagues with copies of archival materials from the late 1930s. The President of Russia recalled that the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was the last of its kind with Germany, and was concluded only because the USSR had no choice. A number of European countries, including Poland, have signed such agreements with Berlin much earlier.

In addition, during a meeting of the final collegium of the Ministry of Defense on December 24, 2019, Vladimir Putin read excerpts from the report of the Polish ambassador to Germany in the late 1930s, Jozef Lipsky, who promised to put Adolf Hitler a “magnificent monument” in Warsaw in the event of the expulsion of Jews to Africa.

“You bastard, an anti-Semitic pig - you can’t say otherwise. He fully solidified with Hitler in his anti-Jewish, anti-Semitic moods and, moreover, he promised to erect a monument to him in Warsaw for bullying the Jewish people, ”said Vladimir Putin.

After that, the Russian ambassador to Warsaw, Sergey Andreev, summoned to the Polish Foreign Ministry, explained to the representatives of the Polish department the position of Moscow on issues relating to events prior to the outbreak of World War II. The diplomat added that Russia "will not allow anyone to read us notations."

  • US Ambassador to Poland Georgette Mosbacher
  • Reuters
  • © Rick Wilking

The head of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs, Konstantin Kosachev, in a conversation with RT suggested that the American ambassador made this statement on her own initiative, wishing to become famous throughout Poland as a person who does not leave the country in a “difficult situation”.

“But the situation is really complicated. Warsaw either has to deny the obvious, or openly lie about its own story. But then it is rather a disservice. For such a position of the American ambassador, as well as for the position of the Polish authorities, there is nothing but historical untruth, ”the senator said.

Kosachev added that such statements are unacceptable and should be followed by clarifications by the American side.

In turn, the deputy chairman of the State Duma’s defense committee, Yuri Shvytkin, in an interview with RT called it glaring that the ambassador does not know the history of World War II.

“How can she make any decisions at the state level if she does not know the story. Such a person has no place in state authorities and she should not take part in the settlement of relations with other countries, ”he said.

Shvytkin added that this situation is the subject of litigation in various international organizations, and suggested bringing this issue to the UN Security Council in order to consider the actions of the ambassador.

“Such statements play to the benefit of revising the lessons of history, which could lead to historical collapse,” the deputy summed up.