“I am a conservative. In Soviet times, there was one day off - January 1, and nothing worked. And now we are leaving on January 9, and on December 31 we also got hooked. I think that more work needs to be done, ”RIA Novosti quoted Fadeev as saying.

According to him, the situation is different if people tell him this: “We work so much, and the salary is small.”

“I agree with them. But shifting the country towards an increasing number of weekends is wrong, ”he added.

According to the head of the HRC, the country needs to be “shifted towards economic growth” and “a marked increase in income”, and not towards the holidays.

Earlier, the governors of Yakutia, Ryazan and Volgograd regions signed a holiday order on December 31.

Such decisions were also made by the authorities of the Voronezh region, Buryatia, Sevastopol, Crimea, Karachay-Cherkessia, Khakassia, Pskov, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan, Kirov, Ulyanovsk regions and the Stavropol Territory.

On December 19, Russian leader Vladimir Putin during a large press conference appreciated the opportunity to make December 31 a day off in the country.

According to him, this is logical. At the same time, he expressed doubts about “whether it is possible and necessary to do it” in a hurry on the eve of the New Year.