• Hemeroteca.José Mota: "I don't like forbidden signs in humor"
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Montiel, 1965. Comedian. There is no Christmas without him and this time he doubles. It is one of the voices of La turina hen , which premieres on day 1, and conducts its 20th New Year's Eve special, which simulates a coup d'etat. Value is not lacking ...

What does José Mota see on TV New Year's Eve? Well, he sees José Mota. Despite having spent days riding the program, when it is broadcast I have the feeling that it was a live and something could still go wrong, even if everything is recorded. You have that tension because you know that the public is seeing it for the first time. Are you funny about jokes even if you know them? Well, less. From trying the same dish you lose surprise and surprise is one of the basic ingredients that sustains humor. Obviously, as I know, they make me less funny, but as I see it accompanied by my family, I enjoy it differently. You have 20 New Year's Eve specials. Doesn't it bore you? It is a great opportunity and a great showcase to be able, through the humor tool, to denounce certain things that can attack us as a society. And that's great because, taking a dose of humor, the digestion of those annoying things that have entered our body is much better. Humor always takes everything away from iron. And that's why people meet me that day: they want to see reality, even the one that makes them angry, through the comedy optic to digest it better. As for a New Year's Eve generation, it was Tuesday and Thirteen, there are already a couple for whom it is you, alone or with Cruz y Raya. How do you take to be a Christmas tradition? It's super cute. That you pass the witness two humor geniuses like Josema (Yuste) and Millán (Salcedo), who have been a reference for me, is a very big responsibility. I have 20 New Year's Eve specials and I still feel a little tremor when I think I am behind the wheel of that piece of vehicle. And when you see that things are fairly similar to what you had thought before doing so, you feel euphoric, because such a special one dedicates five months of your life. Now that you do not do a weekly program, there will be those who think how often vividor, Healing once a year. Hopefully (laughs). It didn't really stop: I'm dubbing movies, creating a fiction project, on the tour of Dos fotos and me with Santiago Segura and Florentino Fernández, preparing a romantic comedy that I started in April with Pepe Viyuela ... I play all the instruments I can , because life is about having fun. In La Turuleca hen you give voice to the villain. You have made dubbing a second profession and, between that and imitations, you must be the most famous type in Spain that least shows its real face. Do you hide from something? Not voluntarily, but the other day I crossed the set with a friend who had come to visit the recording and, when he greeted me, I was clueless and said: "Oh, sorry, I am going in disguise I had not recognized you. " Explain a little what happens to me. I get into so many characters that are not me, that sometimes I lose my real identity. But getting into other people's skin is a lot of fun. The Turuleca hen is a compliment to the different in times of permanent search for social acceptance. Will the children take the message? I hope so. You have to shout: "I am different and I smell". Being different is not good, it is great, and we must enhance our difference, that we are not afraid to be. That is the proposal of the movie and I hope that young people take the message, because it is a very important self-affirmation exercise in these times full of shop windows that tell us how to be, what to think and what to feel. As a father, I am worried that from outside come third parties to give my children a false identity. Social networks demand the greatest impact in the shortest possible time and, so that it does not affect you or dismiss you, a large dose of shell is necessary. Today the continent is too cultured and the content is forgotten. Is Spain there for dinner on New Year's Eve joking with a coup d'etat? If those who give it are comical, yes. I want to think that people still distinguish what humor is, although sometimes I have doubts. I have had 50 classmates who are masters of humor. People as disparate as Joaquín Reyes, Fernando Esteso, Ignatius Farray, Eva Hache, the Great Wyoming, Tuesday and Thirteen, Moncho Borrajo ... It is a great gift for me and for the viewer. You have begun to list collaborators and almost everything is men. Is there a shortage of women in comedy? I have called many and many are out, but it is clear that there has been some historical shortage of comics. Fortunately, less and less. The best news of recent years in comedy is that there are more and more women and they make a humor as capable or better than that of men. It is a fantastic news. That evolution, that arrival of more and more feminine proposals, is one of the most interesting things that are happening in comedy. They provide a vision that has not been the same as always, the preponderant of man. Comedy has another look at last. It is one of the best things that could happen to this country in relation to humor. Governments change and the only thing that is not played on TVE is José Mota on New Year's Eve. Are you the real center? One of the things I'm most proud of is having been a free voice. I do not want to belong to any color or any group because I do not want to mortgage anything or anyone, I want to say what I think without being afraid that it will have consequences because I owe some favor. Only then can I make a product according to what I think and feel. I don't like to question things that have to do with the personal side of the people, but I do think about their public or political performance. And to do that, I need total freedom. It is a small treasure not to belong to anything or anyone and to freely give your most honest opinion. And I'm not going to lose that little treasure. Can you make humor without disturbing anyone? It depends on how many pirouettes you can do in the air. You can make humor without disturbing anyone for free. Another thing is that humor should be made with social commitment, which interests me. The comedian has a certain duty to be a chronicler of his surroundings and to denounce, through the tools he deems appropriate, everything that attacks us on a social and political level in our day to day. Humor is a weapon and a gift. The comedy tool has been given to defend against abuse or external aggression. I try to use it like this.What added to you right now? Many things. People who do not have work or decent housing. How can that not attack someone? And I am disturbed by the danger that the middle class, which this country enjoyed and threw for a while, disappears. That assails us all, not me. That there is a stable middle class is what gives the country a social balance and we must all contribute our grain of sand so that it remains a reality. What is your limit of humor? I do not believe in the forbidden or in doors that put " No passing". Another thing is that everyone imposes their voluntary limits. Mine is human suffering. Where there is, I don't feel like stepping on too much. But by choice, not because nobody wants to ban me. How do celebrities take parody? What if people have complained about my imitations? Not that I know of; that I don't know, yes. I have not received direct complaints, on the contrary Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba or María Teresa Fernández de la Vega contacted me to tell me that they liked parody. I try to use the parodied as a vehicle to tell something, but not as the purpose of the joke itself. I like to laugh with and not of. Already without a classic like Rajoy, how is the political cast of parodies? I have to tell you that, in the face of comedy, the previous generation of politicians is missed. They were very powerful individuals. To the politicians of now, you bake and the broth does not release, it knows nothing. The comic broth comes out transparent. They are very little imitable compared to those of before. Think about it: Felipe González, Alfonso Guerra, Carrillo, Fraga, Adolfo Suárez ... They were all very powerful personalities. That does not happen now. We need a more lively political class. It's all light, they are stone-washed politicians and the pants have run out of color. Are you never tired of having to laugh? I'll tell you what happens with comedy. Making people laugh is therapy for oneself, I don't feel obligated except for myself. When I finish a show, far from being exhausted, what I feel is clean, released, as if I had slept ten hours. We should not be afraid of humor because humor makes society freer ... and me very happy. When did you discover that it made you happy? I remember the exact moment when it all started. I was in the sixth grade EGB Natural Science class and the teacher asked me what the bones were for and I told her to cook. He gave me two rules in my hand and I was very disturbed by that: letting go of what I wanted, better or worse, to be a grace and to be rewarded that way. So I said, "It can't be that this ends here and so. No, no, no." And since then I didn't stop. We can say that I am in the mood for revenge, for writing a happier ending than a ruler in my hand. And when did you think you could live to make jokes? It was taking me little by little. In the arena of life, I leaned back and, suddenly, I saw myself in the burladero, which is where you are comfortable, you see the bull from a distance and you can afford to make jokes about him. The mockery is the natural place of the humorist: you see everything, you make jokes, you think and you are fortunate that the square listens to you. And they laugh while the bull tries to get your horn. I was so comfortable there that I was going to leave. I am a tremendous lucky. Did you have plan B? Not planned. My first performances were as a child in my living room with my sisters and my parents. I climbed in my chair to imitate the surrounding landscape and I was hooked. I guess he had some natural inclination towards comedy, and then everything explodes in military service. At least you can tell stories of the mili of some interest. Yes, I got to do it in Zaragoza and I immediately wanted to relate to the people of the city show. I began to frequent the blue angel coffee in my days off, where there were people from the varietes and the world of the magazine. I have a wonderful memory. There I met the first company in which I acted, which was called Magic Cocktail and where I entered at the end of the military. There were two wizards, a vedette, a singer, a ballet and I, who was the comedian. We offered to the people to go to act and all that arose in my escapes during the mili. Weren't they looking at you strangely in the barracks? Once Gila acted in the Plaza de Los sites and I decided to ask permission to go to a lieutenant who had very bad fleas. My classmates tried to get it out of my head because they thought I was going to drop a cigar, but I knocked on the door and told him: "My lieutenant, you see, I really like comedy, Don Miguel Gila acts and I would love to go." He thought it was a freak, but he was so surprised because I was telling him the truth that he gave me permission. I have wonderful memories of Zaragoza, really. And there you met Juan Muñoz, your other half in Cruz y Raya. Yes, I met him at the company. He was from the Seventh and I was from the Novena. And speaking, speaking, speaking, we thought of doing something at the end. And the idea was hanging there until we resumed it shortly after the end of the mili. You broke up in 2007 and, while you make New Year's Eve specials and movies, he takes the programming of a room in a hotel in Gandía. Do you ever think that it could have turned upside down? No, life is about wherever you are, you are happy. And I have no doubt that Juan is happy. What happened with us is that we had been together for 18 years and wanted to write pages separately. It is done. It is normal. Then fortune smiles at you, but that's what happened and it's natural. Personal and artistic wear is inevitable. Imagine 18 years doing programs together every Friday, in the end you need to vitally change like all couples, both in love and in humor.

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