A girl of a year and a half has died and three other people have been lightly injured after a house burned on Tuesday in the town of Don Benito (Badajoz).

As reported by Efe sources of Emergencies 112 of Extremadura, the fire has taken place after half past ten on Tuesday night, in a house on Matachel Street, in the neighborhood of El Noque, located in the La Paz town of Don Benedict.

Apparently, the fire occurred when the girl's mother was bathing her and placed a towel on a brazier, which caused the accident.

In the incident have also been slightly injured, because of an anxiety crisis, a woman of 65 years, another of 51 and a young man of 15.

Firefighters from Don Benito y Castuera, Civil Guard, Local Police, National Police and Red Cross have moved to the site, according to sources at the 112 Extremadura Emergency Center.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Estremadura
  • National Police
  • Civil Guard
  • Badajoz
  • Fires
  • Events

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