Landowners are still missing and according to the police, great resources are being spent on finding the person. The police have been frugal with information - in addition to the offense's crime classification, no signaling has been issued.

- There is not much more I can tell. We are still looking for landowners, says Fabian Hamnqvist, RLC Mitt Press spokesperson.

Whether the missing person is alive or not, the police cannot comment.

- There is nothing I can confirm or deny, says Fabian Hamnqvist.

The prosecutor does not want to comment at the moment

Prosecutors in the case Fredrik Ingblad are the forerunner and do not want to go further into the incident.

"Right now, the prosecutor does not want to give any details about the case," says Deputy Chief Prosecutor, Eva Morén.

No later than twelve o'clock on Christmas Eve, prosecutors need to decide whether the couple should be arrested or not.