Bayonne (AFP)

Promoted to surprising opponents on Saturday (3:35 p.m.) on the 11th day of Top 14, Bayonne (10th), the author of the blows, and Brive (8th), intractable at home, make the fight for maintenance uncertain and thrilling.

In today's elite rugby dominated by large metropolises and imposing budgets, graduates from old bastions aim to make the lift at the end of the season. Except perhaps the World Cup years during which they take full advantage of the circumstances and can capitalize in the absence of the internationals.

This is what the Basques, champions of France in Pro D2, managed to do during the first third of the championship by compiling five victories, two of which were away, in Racing at the start of the season and in Agen (13th), other competitor designated for the descent. A nice booty that allowed them to stay at the top of the table for a long time, before going down a few rows. "We have surfed the euphoria of the past year," admits their manager Yannick Bru.

Corréziens, in line with their last season in Pro D2, bet on invincibility at home. And it works: five matches, five victories with renowned victims like Clermont, Toulon, Toulouse, very impacted by the Japanese World Cup, then Bordeaux-Bègles quickly reduced to 14, and especially the Stade Français, good last in the class despite the biggest budget of the troop.

With respectively 5 and 6 points of comfort on the current barragiste (Agen), 11 and 12 points on the Parisian red lantern, will the advance taken be sufficient?

- Bru: "The party is over" -

Bayonnais side, "persuaded to have the level" for maintenance, "we will not get out the calculators in January, warns Bru. It is useless to put that in the minds of guys. We do not leave losing". Even if Rowing has just conceded seven losses in a row (3 in Top 14, 4 in European Challenge) and will move to Lyon and then to UBB just after Christmas.

"Our good start to the season has led to a drop in our level of vigilance, says Bru. I see it through our lack of discipline. The poor performance here against Pau (3-9) has destabilized us. over. "

His grilled joker, the goal is very simple for Ciel et Blanc. "We want to hang on everywhere," sums up the Peyo Muscarditz center, even more against direct competitors like Brive, one of the three or four openly targeted matches.

On the condition of not losing engine elements on indiscipline (Filimo Taofifenua and Matthew Luamanu) or injury (captain Antoine Battut absent four months) before two trips to the first two of the championship (Lyon on December 28, Bordeaux on January 4) .

- Two missed opportunities for CAB -

Corrézien side, we believe hard as iron in the maintenance on condition of remaining master as often and as long as possible at the Stadium - it will be necessary to know how to manage the receptions of Lyon and Montpellier in particular - and to grab points far from their bases.

"We would need an outside success to give us some leeway," said forward coach Marc Dal Maso over and over.

If the men of Jeremy Davidson passed very close to the big blow to Castres (defeat 28-26), which will also have to be wary (12th), bringing in the end only a defensive bonus, they also missed their chance in missing the boat in Agen or Pau (9th). The trip to Jean-Dauger is therefore part of this necessity because there will be far fewer opportunities to travel during the return phase.

The optimism also resides in the value of their workforce, which is rather well constructed, with liners that have quickly leveled up with the Top 14 to compensate for the injuries of executive players like the Irish opener Stuart Olding.

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