Record number of refugees, etc. “Strengthen support for host countries” UN Secretary-General, December 18, 6:22

With more than 70 million refugees and internally displaced persons in the world due to conflict and persecution, the UN Secretary General Guterres appealed that support for countries that accept refugees should be strengthened .

At the United Nations European Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, ministers from different countries gathered and the first meeting began to discuss support measures for refugees and internally displaced persons.

In this context, Mr. Guterres said, “There is not a time when the cooperation and effective response of the international community has been so demanded. And in addition to helping internally displaced persons, the support for countries that accept them should be strengthened. "

The meeting will also discuss issues of Syrian refugees that Turkey is accepting.

The EU = European Union provides huge financial assistance in exchange for having Turkey stop there, to stop refugees from entering the region.

However, the number has risen to 3.7 million by the end of last year, the highest in the world, and Turkish President Erdogan has appealed that “the percentage of resettlement in third countries should be increased”, and European countries also accept additional refugees. I ask you to.

The meeting will take place until the 18th.