National Tamaki representative “consulting on an equal footing” 17th meeting with representative Teijin Edano December 16 5:42

In response to a call for confluence from the Constitutional Democratic Party, the National Democratic Party decided to ask for equal discussions on policies, etc., and representative Tamaki met with the Constitutional Democratic Party President Edano on the 17th and adjusted the direction to respond I entered.

In response to a call from the Constitutional Democratic Party, the National Democratic Party held a round-table conference last week that gathered members of the House of Representatives, and on the 15th a meeting was held to gather representatives from local organizations to hear their opinions. It was.

As a result, the Party Executive Department has officially decided to seek equal consultation on policies and party names in case of joining, and to act in unison with the House of Representatives.

In the afternoon of the 17th, representative Tamaki held a meeting with the representative of the Constitutional Democratic Party, Mr. Edano.

Regarding the discussion from the equal standpoint that the National Democratic Party seeks, the Constitutional Democratic Party has expressed a negative opinion that it is premised on adhering to the philosophy and policy of the party, and Mr. Edano's response is drawing attention.

On the other hand, Mr. Edano met with the chairman of the Communist Party on the night of the 15th and asked for understanding in order to call the National Democratic Party.

Mr. Edano seems to have the aim of strengthening cooperation with the Communist Party as well as the merger with a view to the House of Representatives election.