President Trump's additional tariffs on China

In the trade talks between the United States and China, President Trump will discuss with the relevant ministers on the 12th whether or not to activate the additional tariff measures on China planned for 15th of this month and make a final decision. It is possible.

Reuters reported that President Trump plans to discuss actions with the Light Heiser trade representative and President Navarro on the 12th regarding the additional tariff measures to China planned by the Trump administration this month. It was.

In this measure, a 15% tariff will be added to $ 160 billion for smartphones and clothing imported from China. If activated, the tariff will be extended to almost all imported goods from China.

In October this year, the United States and China showed a compromise toward the first-stage agreement in the field of agricultural products, etc., but in the subsequent talks on packing, the scale of purchase of American agricultural products by China and the elimination of tariffs It is said that there is still a gap in the method of.

While there are proposals within the administration to postpone the action to continue the negotiations, there are also strong opinions that China should act as planned as long as it has not reached consensus and has not reached an agreement.

President Trump suggests that the talks could be prolonged this month, but if additional measures are triggered, the conflict between the two countries will inevitably worsen, which will affect the future of trade negotiations and the global economy. It becomes.