Excessive consumerism is "virus" the Pope of Rome during the year-end business battle overheating December 3 at 4:20

Pope Francis of the Roman Catholic Church, who visited Japan for the first time in 38 years as a Pope, was the first Sunday service after returning to Japan. It was a virus. "

Entering the Christmas season, the number of shoppers will increase, and many people, especially in Europe and the United States, will squeeze into department stores where year-end sales are taking place.

Under such circumstances, Pope Francis, who visited Japan for the first time in 38 years as a Pope, was the first Sunday service after his return to Japan in the Vatican on the 1st. People who swell and fail to get it are always satisfied and angry. Consumerism is a virus that devours faith. "

After that, he said, “In consumerism, you will believe that your life will be determined by what you have,” and warned you about excessive consumerism.

The day of the Sunday service was held between “Black Friday” the day after Thanksgiving, which is expected to increase in sales in any store in the United States, and the online shopping “Cyber ​​Monday” the following week. The Pope reminded the overheating year-end business battle.