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by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea December 02, 2019Free route from the Council of Ministers to the ad hoc law decree for the free bridging loan to Alitalia. The Council of Ministers thus gave the go-ahead to the rule necessary to ensure the continuity of Alitalia.

In the past few days, after Atlantia's step back, the offer that was expected from the consortium of Fs with Delta, Mef and the motorway manager failed, so the Government decided to intervene to ensure the continuity of the company's operations at least for six months. Certainly until May 2020.

With the law decree entitled 'Urgent measures to ensure the continuity of the service carried out by Alitalia' the Executive wanted to provide a new loan of 400 million euros, already provided for by the fiscal decree, which are added to the 900 million already granted in previously.

Planned a "reorganization and efficiency plan" to arrive, then, to the sale.