• It is a brawl on the Mes. Gualtieri: "Closed text, it protects us". The oppositions: Conte report
  • Moscovici: "Mes is not a problem, rather a help for the banking system"
  • There is no agreement on the Mes. Gualtieri defends the reform: "Attacked by those who signed it"
  • Mes, the government aims to postpone, Salvini: "It is a fund to kill states"


30 November 2019

A summit tomorrow at dinner time. Between eight and nine o'clock, it transpires, even if the majority parties summoned to Palazzo Chigi to untie the knots on the Mes do not give details of the reunion time. The meeting is held on the eve of the Prime Minister's communications to the Chambers, at 13 in Montecitorio and at 15.30 in the Senate, after the umpteenth fibrillation in the government between Luigi Di Maio who claims changes to the reform of Fonda Salva Stati and the premier Giuseppe Conte and the Democratic Party, which today called for a halt to hostilities to prevent the country from losing "credibility".

"No. Each time, at every delicate step, the Government's risk is always discussed. This Government will go ahead." Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said this in response to journalists who asked him if the controversy surrounding the state rescue fund could put the government at risk. The government "will go ahead - Conte said - for a simple reason: because the country has so many urgencies, it has so many structural problems to solve".

"We - Conte added - offer concrete answers. We have already demonstrated this and we are demonstrating this with this financial and economic maneuver. And even more we will prove it as soon as we have approved it with a plan of structural reforms and with a tight schedule , very demanding, to which we will work with all our strength from morning to night ". "We - he concluded - offer a political project, a sustainable and credible future for this country. This is why we will not go home".

"You have to have a little patience, I'll go to Parliament on Monday and put all the pieces in place and we'll start sweeping away all the crap that has been said, I've listened to so many. I'm very patient but the moment when we have to wipe out the talk that has been made will be on Monday, "the prime minister said in reply to journalists who pointed out that Di Maio said that Italy cannot sign in the dark.

"There will be no battle on Monday, it is a duty to inform Parliament by the President of the Council that every time he has been called, every time he has had and will have the opportunity to inform, talk with the members of parliament he does", said Conte on the Monday report to the Senate on the Mes.

Tensions in the government
"Since there are no elements of merit that question our national sovereignty, it is very important that we give a demonstration of seriousness and reliability. I expect that the legitimate criticisms of our ally do not lead to provoking a crisis of credibility for the country "This would be serious for the citizens and for the seriousness with which our government is seen." Thus Graziano Delrio, leader of the Democratic Party in the Chamber, regarding today's statements by Luigi Di Maio on the Mes.

In a live Facebook, the political leader of the 5S does not take the 'signature' of the Movement to the Mes. The foreign state fund, the foreign minister says, is only part of a package that also contains "banking union and deposit insurance. When we have read everything - we will be able to verify whether the package suits Italy or no"

And here in the Pd house the waters are agitated. Before Delrio it is Franceschini who sends a warning to the government ally: "At this time in the Mes we play the credibility of the country, the trend of the spread and the markets. You can't play with fire. I take the words for good this morning Di Maio and from here to Monday we will see if the intentions will follow the behaviors, because in politics there are also the behaviors that weigh ".

A controversy that grows with the wait for Conte's information, with Salvini accusing the premier of "no longer defends the Italian national interest". The Prime Minister will report to the Chambers on the European Stability Mechanism on Monday, but more or less drastic tensions and stances do not exclude a preventive Sunday government summit. "We're still feeling," he says about the Di Maio hypothesis during his visit to the Coldiretti village of Matera.

Luigi Di Maio
The Mes "like many other treatises, needs many improvements. We cannot think of signing in the dark like the Mes which is only part of the package. There is also the banking union and the deposit insurance". Thus stated Foreign Minister and leader of the M5s, Luigi Di Maio, live on facebook. "When we have read everything we will be able to verify whether the package suits Italy or not. In my opinion, it is healthy for Italy not to accelerate in an incautious way, but to defend its own interests, to wait for the end of the negotiations also on all other aspects of the package. There is a negotiation in progress, it is good that they continue with Italy as the protagonist. On the other hand there has been a change of government and the new majority has never expressed itself ". Di Maio has specified that "as it is written, the banking union worries me even more than the Mes. The insurance on the deposits must be put in place".

Dario Franceschini
At this time in the Mes we play the credibility of the country, the trend of the spread and the markets. You can't play with fire. I take the words of Di Maio this morning and from now until Monday we will see if the intentions will follow the behavior, because in politics there are also the behaviors that weigh, "the head of the PD delegation to the government, the minister Dario Franceschini said in Milan , during his speech at the National Reformation Base Assembly, an area within the Democratic Party composed of the former Renzians.

5S: "Credibility? We have lost it in these years to please the Euroburocrats"
The 5-star Movement asks the Democratic Party not to raise the tone on the Mes and invites the allies to "work at a point of understanding". A 5 star note explains: "In spite of our opposition to the principles that characterize that fund, the 5 Star Movement is trying to have a constructive approach aimed at finding an agreement". "But if someone wants to raise the tone and put it on the subject of credibility," M5s continues, "it seems to us that we have lost credibility as a state in all these years when we signed anything to always please some euro-bureaucrats, rather that protect the interests of Italy and Italians. Well, that era is over ". M5s concludes: "We advise the Democratic Party to work with us at a point of understanding. Everyone knows that the Mes is modifiable and can be amended. So let's get to work, let us improve this reform and let us be respected in Europe".

Difficult but possible to postpone the approval of the treaty
Postponing the approval of the treaty on the European stability mechanism is possible, but difficult. The leaders have long since given deadline December 2019 for the go-ahead for the reform and the position of Italy complicates everything. In any case, a stalemate on the Mes reform would not benefit Italy. This is what transpires from European sources during the hours of the political battle in Rome. Seen from Brussels, imposing a postponement or a stall on the Mes and the rest of the package, Italy would do harm to itself. The Commission is ready to support Italy on another issue considered more important for the banking sector which is played in the negotiation of the European deposit guarantee: the German proposal for capital requirements for banks based on the rating of the public securities they hold is deemed unacceptable by the community executive. And even France, as well as Italy, is against it. The key date to understand what will happen is December 4, when the finance ministers of the 19 will meet in Brussels for the Eurogroup summit.

Matteo Salvini
"The Mes steals from the poor to give to the rich. There is the risk of using the money of Italian savers to save German banks. On the Mes the debate has opened and finally the Italians know something about it only thanks to the League. Well the awakening of Di Maio , we are counting on the consistency of the 5 Stars and part of the Democratic Party, while Conte has not long defended the Italian national interest ", so the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini.

Carlo Calenda
"But where was Di Maio? Was he in the government or not when the Mes was negotiated? This is an unworthy way of doing politics, unworthy of a great country. Doubts are raised when they negotiate and not afterwards, as they are doing Salvini and Di Maio who were vice-premier when the negotiations were held ". Carlo Calenda says this on the sidelines of an initiative in Rome for Action.

Antonio Misiani
The Mes, the state-saving fund, "is useful to Italy and Europe. The euro needs a system of mutual insurance that helps states in temporary financial difficulty and strengthens the tools to deal with banking crises. reform was preceded by a long negotiation in Europe, almost all of which was conducted by the previous government. We believe a good job has been done. Like all compromises, it has lights and shadows, but on the whole, most of the requests made by Italy have been received ". Thus in an interview with Corriere della Sera Antonio Misiani (Pd), Deputy Minister of Economy.

Stefano Fassina
"On the Mes, the representation of a clash between responsible Europeans and irresponsible sovereignists, between those who want to safeguard the continuity of Italy in the EU and in the euro area and who wants to break" is self-defeating. This was stated by the deputy of Leu, Stefano Fassina, member of the Montecitorio Budget Committee. "The text of the treaty and the context, without cultural and political subordination on the part of the majority and without instrumentality on the part of the opposition, must be evaluated. Countries in conditions of public finance like Italy, eliminates the possibility of financial support without having to restructure the public debt. It determines, in fact, a huge risk of self-fulfilling scenario. " The Mes is not in the program of the majority. The Pd avoids forcing. The Italian Parliament last June 19 expressed itself very clearly on the MES to allow Parliament to express itself with an address document and, consequently, to suspend any definitive determination until the Parliament has pronounced itself. Parliament has not been asked to rule on the substance. There can be no definitive determination, nor can there be on December 13th. Without further dramatization, the government recognizes that it has not had and does not have the mandate to sign the treaty ".

The Mes according to the experts
It is a fundamental tool for the Eurozone whose usefulness cannot be questioned. Although with different sensitivities, the experts defended the European Stability Mechanism. Everyone - from the former Minister of the Economy, Pier Carlo Padoan, to the director of the Observatory on Italian public accounts of the Catholic University, Carlo Cottarelli - considers the Save-State Fund essential on the path towards greater European integration. Incomplete, of course, in the absence of a risk-safe Euro brand asset, but indispensable for the stability of the area. The former Minister of Economy of the yellow-green government Giovanni Tria also spoke on the matter.

Tria: after negotiation removed dangerous things for Italy
The negotiation on the revision of the Mes treaty conducted last summer made it possible to "remove dangerous things for Italy". The former Minister of the Economy, Giovanni Tria, says this, contacted by the AGI, recalling that the treaty "has existed for some time", has always been "controversial" and has "negative sides and positive sides". And yet, the former minister insists, the changes introduced do not make it worse or make it less favorable to our country. Tria does not want to enter into the controversies of these days: "It is a political decision that must take the government and must be ratified by the Parliament", it limits itself to affirming.

Pier Carlo Padoan
Il Mes "is an important tool, a step forward towards the unification of fiscal instruments, a tool capable of providing resources to countries that may respect the rules, are in good financial health, but end up suffering due to an external shock "These are common resources, also used for the stability of the euro". The presumption of debt restructuring in case of need, foreseen in the first hypothesis of Treaty reform, "is no longer there. On this point all Italian governments have always made a very strong resistance and the rigorous hawks have lost their battle". Rather, "the real point on which we should pause to reflect is not whether the Mes works or not, but whether or not Italy needs it. At the moment it is certainly not, but if we had the accounts a little tidier, with the public debt on a downward path, this whole debate would take on much less sharp contours ".

Carlo Cottarelli
The reform of the Mes that we would like to introduce "offers a push to make it easier to impose restructuring on a country in crisis and therefore represents a risk. Even if not even the alternative that many of the critics would like, that is to say 'money free ', it stands up. It is the presumption that should not be introduced. Restructuring should be considered case by case, without prior analysis ". The Mes should however be safeguarded: "Throwing it away would be like one who feels pain in a leg asking to abolish the ambulance and not the right granted to nurses to amputate it regardless of it".