Announcing her intention to run for a fourth term, Martine Aubry is embarking on the race to succeed and will face in particular her former head of cabinet between 2008 and 2013, Violette Spillebout.

It was a secret of Polichinelle, it is now official: Martine Aubry will be candidate for re-election at Lille City Hall. An announcement that the former first secretary of the PS made Thursday night, during an interview in the regional daily La Voix du Nord . At the head of the belfry of the capital of Flanders for 18 years, she will have to face ... his former head of cabinet, Violette Spillebout, which comes under the label LREM.

The former director of cabinet against the lady of 35 hours

The vassal takes up arms against the queen. After collaborating with the lady of 35 hours for ten years, Violette Spillebout decided to return to politics and will face a Martine Aubry who could not help but denounce a "France under tension of the fact of Emmanuel Macron's policy ". A little phrase enough for his rival to draw the first salvo of the campaign Lille: "Martine Aubry has always been anti-government, anti-Sarkozy, anti-Holland, anti-Macron ... And the result is a city who is isolated and who loses his chances ". While qualifying the choice of the bidder by default.

" They'll see if I'm in spite or energy! "

A spike that has not escaped the emblematic mayor of Lille: "They will see if I'm in spite or energy! Frankly, go there dragging no, but it is not [either] my kind of going there by telling me 'the queen-mother is coming and she's going to be elected' ". And to affirm, "I go there as every time I carried a fight of substance, and it is with the Lillians that I want to succeed".

As soon as hostilities have begun, it is already rumored in the capital of Flanders that the candidate LR Philippe Daubresse could ally himself with Violette Spillebout for the second round. On their side, the Greens, insubordinate France and the National Gathering will also complicate the game of an election that will probably be one of the most complicated for Martine Aubry.