An 86-year-old woman has been found dead inside her home in the Cordoba town of Iznájar with gunshot wounds, while her 93-year-old husband was also in the house in a state of 'shock'.

Sources close to the investigation have informed Efe that the event took place around 4:30 p.m. after 061 requested healthcare for a woman who was unconscious and seriously injured at home.

The medical doctors who could not save the life of the woman with wounds "compatible with a white weapon" moved to the place.

At the home was also her husband of 93 years.

The sources have indicated that the Civil Guard investigates the causes of the event and the results of the coroners will determine the circumstances in which the death has occurred.

At the moment no hypothesis is ruled out and there are no detainees, while the Andalusian Institute of Women (IAM) has offered psychological care to the relatives of the deceased woman.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Civil Guard

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