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November 27, 2019

From the loss of the Amazon forest to the melting of polar ice, at least nine climate predictions made at the end of the 1990s are happening faster than expected. Data in hand, the scientific community launches, in Nature, a new warning on the urgency of measures such as the reduction of greenhouse gases, to safeguard the planet from the effects of global warming.

The first signatory is Timothy Lenton, of the British University of Exeter, with six colleagues from the German Potsdam Research Institute on Climate Impact, the Swedish University of Stockholm, the Danish University of Copenhagen, the Australian University of Canberra and Chinese University Tsinghua. The appeal comes just a few days before the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, Cop 25, in Madrid from 2 to 13 December.

Experts point out that 20 years ago the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the UN committee on climate change, considered some forecasts, on the melting of polar ice or coral health, very likely if the planet's average temperatures had exceeded the 5 degrees within the next hundred years. Now, we read in Nature, the new IPCC reports speak, as a point of no return, of raising global temperatures by 1 or 2 degrees. The changes, the experts write, are increasingly sudden and interconnected, and could "trigger a cascading effect, threatening the very existence of our civilization. 99% of corals - they explain - could, for example, disappear if global temperatures should they increase by 2 degrees. Stability and resilience of the Earth are in danger. The situation - they conclude - is too risky to wait any longer ".