Stefan Jansson and Daniel Axelsson stated this when they decided to leave Stockholm, acquire a farm in the country and started planning for the future.

- We contacted several different associations and realized that there are animals that could partly give us the products or services we wanted that are simultaneously endangered, says Daniel Axelsson. So then we chose such landraces that now also function as gene banks.

- The characteristic of country breeds is that they are not specialized as animals are today - they do not give lots of eggs or lots of meat but a little of each, explains Stefan Jansson. And the work with the gene banks also means that we get support from the Swedish Agricultural Agency at the same time as we get meat, milk, skins and can sell live animals to others.

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Jämtgetter - an endangered species that was formerly common in Jämtland and Härjedalen. Adapted for Nordic climate, grazing and feed. Photo: SVT

The farm today has Swedish blue duck, goats, mountain-close cows, northern Swedish horses and gotland sheep on the farm. All endangered to varying degrees.

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Swedish blue duck - can be drawn in slightly different ways. The "blue" (really gray) color marks the lantra, of which there are currently only 150-200 copies in Sweden. Photo: SVT

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Mountainous livestock - not the same as mountain cow. Common on sheep farms in northern Sweden in the 20th century. Is a smaller breed seen in size that performs well on a fairly lean bait. Photo: SVT