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The president of the CAF, the Malagasy Ahmad, here on June 20, 2019 in Cairo. RFI / Pierre René-Worms

What if CAN 2021 did not take place in June-July as planned? The African Football Confederation opens the door to a change of dates.

So far, we were not really sure where this CAN 2021 would take place. Cameroon, deprived of the 2019 edition, still did not offer all the guarantees. Since the meeting of the CAF Executive Committee on Thursday in Cairo, it will also be necessary to ask when this CAN 2021 will take place.

" Due to weather conditions, the dates of CAN 2021 will be decided jointly by CAF and the host country ," reads the penultimate resolution adopted at this meeting. The terms are sibylline, but beyond words, it is a change of cleaver which is announced.

And if it is true that June-July corresponds to the rainy season in Cameroon, the meteorological argument seems very weak. He was best known for a long time. FIFA's announcement at the beginning of the month of a new Club World Cup on the dates of the CAN weighs on a whole new weight.

While Egypt has just hosted the first CAN in summer , a first in more than 60 years of history, the next will have to redo a place in the sun in an overloaded calendar. Is it a return to the CAN in the coming winter? Or will a new season come out of the hat? The only certainty in the meantime: Cameroon will host CHAN from 4 to 25 April 2020.


CAF (FR) (@caf_online_EN) November 21, 2019