• Israel, Netanyahu renounces to form the government. Rivlin: "Soon I'll give Gantz the job"
  • Israel, the Attorney General wants to indict Prime Minister Netanyahu for corruption
  • Israel, police asks Netanyahu for corruption indictment. The premier: "I don't leave"


21 November 2019

Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit has decided to indict Benuyamin Netanyau for corruption in one of the 3 investigations. The media say so. Also confirmed allegations of fraud and abuse of office.

The investigations are Case 1000 (gifts from wealthy businessmen) and 2000 (relations with the publisher of Yediot Ahronot Arnon Mozes) with fraud and abuse of office, while for Case 4000 (affaire Bezez-Walla) beyond the fraud and the abuse of office is also corruption.

It is the first time in the history of Israel that an incumbent prime minister is accused of corruption. On all national networks special news editions on the matter are underway.

Netanyahu convened a press conference this evening at 8.30pm (Israel time). Meanwhile, the Prime Minister's Likud party has appealed to its supporters to reach the official residence of the premier in Jerusalem to demonstrate full support for the prime minister.