The research, which is presented in the journal Cell, is described as something of a breakthrough.

"Our results will enable malaria researchers to focus on these essential genes to develop effective drugs and vaccines to combat malaria," says Ellen Bushell, a researcher at Umeå University.

Despite medications and massive research, more than 400,000 people still die from malaria each year. An important reason why the disease is so difficult to defeat is the complex life cycle of the malaria parasite.

Dangerous brain malaria

The parasite begins its life inside mosquitoes and is then transferred - through mosquito bites - to a mammal host, for example a human. In this way, about 100 parasites are transmitted at each mosquito bite, small single-celled organisms, which then quickly reach the liver where they propagate in an explosive manner.

After only 7-10 days, around 10,000 parasites leave the liver and invade the red blood cells, causing the symptoms that we normally associate with malaria. These include high fever, chills and sweating as well as muscle and headache as well as nausea and diarrhea.

Necessary genes

The drugs available today are aimed at treating the parasite when it is present in the red blood cells. But these are becoming less effective, as the malaria parasite can develop resistance.

Ellen Bushell and her colleagues in the international research team therefore focused on the liver instead.

- Far fewer parasites come to the liver, which is why the risk of a development of resistance in the liver is much less than in the blood, she says.

Using mouse research, the researchers identified 461 genes that the parasite needs to be able to pass from one host to another, that is, from mouse to mouse.

-Since we have combined these experimental data with a metabolic modulation to understand how the parasite works during the liver phase. That's what is unique about this study, and then we found seven metabolic pathways that are absolutely necessary for the parasite to grow in the liver, says Ellen Bushell.

By focusing on these seven pathways, scientists now hope that the pathway will be open to other researchers to develop drugs that target the parasite invasion of the liver.

- I think that's absolutely possible, says Ellen Bushell.