"This is the first time we have such young recipients," says Ilko Corkovic, who is chairman of Kalmar County's Climate Commission.

It was Ammy Björk, Karin Martinsson and Fabian Leven who made the movie "Climate Smart Food" this spring. It is about how one can influence the transport of food by eating the right thing at the right time of year, thereby avoiding importing food from other countries.

- They were a little surprised. They were rewarded this spring and thought it would stay there, but then suddenly it came up again. But they were very grateful and felt honored, says Ilko Corkovic, who presented the award, which was in the form of a flower and a diploma.

In addition to the high school students, two companies also won the prize. Alf Johansson won with Runes Petrol for work with environmentally friendly fuel, and Ragnar Åhgren received the award for Inzile AB for their work with electric trucks.