On Wednesday, the Regional Board of the Region of Östergötland decided to invest in salary development within the Association's contract area. The investment entails higher salaries for, among other things, some nurses, biomedical analysts, X-ray nurses and midwives. According to the region, extra focus will be on particularly skilled people in the so-called twenty-four-seven business.

- We are very positive about the investment of course. Because this investment applies to the basic salary, it means more money in the system and it also follows our main agreement, which we have concluded with SKL to provide greater stability and security in healthcare, says Emma Klingvall, who is the department chair for the Healthcare Association in Östergötland.

"Have listened to the health union"

In total, this is about SEK 40 million and the goal is to strengthen status and attractiveness, as well as facilitate staffing for the 24-hour operation.

- It has been a positive process where you have listened to the Healthcare Association. Last time they did not, but now both politicians and officials have taken care of it, says Emma Klingval.