• Brazil, the electoral court rejects Lula's candidacy
  • Brazil, Lula remains in prison after tug of war among magistrates


11 June 2019 The Minister of Justice of Brazil, Sergio Moro, and several prosecutors plotted to make sure that Luis Inacio Lula da Silva ended up in jail and could not, therefore, run for the 2018 presidential election.

This is what emerges from a wealth of confidential documents, emails, discussions in private chats, photos, videos partially published by 'The intercept', the news site founded by Glenn Greenwald, the man who helped Edward Snowden unveil the system of global surveillance set up by US intelligence.

Moro, who, before becoming a minister in the government of Jair Bolsonaro, handled the investigation that brought Lula to a first conviction in 2017, he said, "The intercept explains," a series of unethical behaviors and systematic deceptions "during the investigation called" Autolavaggio ", while privately affirming with other magistrates" doubts about the clues to establish Lula's guilt ".

The objective, in reality, was to keep the former president out of the electoral contest: "It is - Greenwald explained in a tweet - the beginning of what we intend to reveal about the unethical conduct of Moro and the magistrates ".

Just the show of Justice Minister Moro in the above video - scoffing at the notion he ever conspired with constructing the cases and then judged - with the chats we have shown showing exactly that over, to Lula & others: https : //t.co/UdfuTzpTOs

- Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) 10 June 2019

The latter confirmed the hacking, but defended themselves. It is the case of the same Minister of Justice: "A careful reading of the material reveals that he has nothing sensational", he wrote on Twitter, but it remains difficult to explain, for example, because in private conversations we were worried about a interview that the former president could have released shortly before the elections while he was in prison: he could have benefited Fernando Haddad, his dolphin, who then lost the presidential election to the advantage of Bolsonaro.

Muito barulho for count of publicação por site de supostas mensagens obtidas por meios criminosos de celulares de procuradores da Lava Jato. Lecture atenta revela que não tem nada ali apesar das matérias sensacionalistas. Abaixo nota.https: //t.co/PevIk4BGX6

- Sergio Moro (@SF_Moro) 10 June 2019

At that time and until September, when the Supreme Court sent in the candidacy presented in August, Lula was favored in the polls.

"We are facing the biggest scandal in the history of Brazil," Haddad wrote on Twitter, which could be right if the details of the conversations that emerged will be confirmed, such as the one that makes chief prosecutor Deltan Dallagnol doubt, of two "key elements in the investigation on Lula: if the apartment had a bribe it is actually his and if he himself really has something to do with the Petrobras scandal ".

Podemos estar diante do maior escândalo institucional da história da República. Muitos seriam presos, processos teriam que ser anulados and uma grande farsa seria revelada ao mundo. Vamos acompanhar com toda cautela, mas não podemos nos deter. Que se apure toda a verdade!

- Fernando Haddad (@Haddad_Fernando) 9 June 2019

On the basis of these new elements, the Supreme Court of Brazil (Stf), the country's highest judicial body, will resume the debate on the ex-president's request for release.

Lula was convicted of corruption and money laundering: the Curitiba court of first instance imposed a sentence of 9 years and 6 months, then 12 years and a month by decision of the court of appeal of Porto Alegre and subsequently reduced to 8 years and 10 months from last April.