Present at the 10th edition of Paris Games Week, the Secretary of State for Digital delivered his ambition for the French video game at the microphone of Europe 1.


Fans of video games have an appointment until Sunday at the Parc des Expositions Porte de Versailles for Paris Games Week. Among them, Secretary of State Cédric O, "the gamer of the government" as he calls himself, was present for the inauguration. "The video game is extremely important for France, first of all, because it's a sector that creates jobs, and then, because it makes France shine," he enthuses at the microphone. from Europe 1.

Accompany the creators of video games

A major player in the video game industry for many years, France must rely on its champions to stay one step ahead. "When you have companies like Ubisoft or Voodoo, that sell games around the world, or you have world e-sports champions, that's a bit of France's soft power , from its image to the international, "says Cédric O. He also wants the state to take the handle. "Video games are a sector that has developed for a long time on its own, but it's important that we accompany it."

But what can the government do? "The video game is part of the larger issue of digital.It is necessary to create an ecosystem of businesses, investors.The video game tax credit was launched in 2016. We will extend, it s "Commits to it being maintained," assures Cédric O. "This device has created an incredible boil in the video game world.Today, half of the studios are less than five years old. must ensure that the emerging French talents remain in France. "

To continue to be an economic and societal engine, the video game must "solve the problems that may arise in terms of addiction, limitation of use and what do the young people," said the secretary State. "But if we can find the right balance, we can make a video game an asset of France," he hopes.

Make France a great e-sport nation

An ambition that will also pass through e-sport, video game competitions. They now attract millions of fans around the world, with keyboard athletes, sponsors, investors, and more. "E-sport is what puts the most people in the stadiums after football, it gives an idea of ​​the resonance that it has in young and old," says Cédric O.

TO READ >> Osteopath, nutritionist: when video game players are pampered like athletes

Although two million French people today play the video game competitively, the discipline is still largely unknown, even despised by some. "Let them go!", Replies the Secretary of State to the skeptics. "They will see what it is in terms of physical demands for training, popular fervor at tournaments." Because yes, today, e-sport is a sport, with sponsored teams, benefiting from state-of-the-art training centers and sports and mental coaches.

And the Paris Olympics 2024 could even host competitions. This would be a first but it is still necessary that the candidacy of the e-sport is validated by the International Olympic Committee. "I do not know if there will be, but we must at least take advantage of the Paris 2024 Games to install this relationship sport / e-sport, show that professional video game players have a status not so far from that of high-level athletes ", projects Cédric O. With the Minister of Sports, he aims to create a training pathway to bring out the champions of tomorrow.

Cédric O, the "government gamer"

"I was a great FIFA and Call of Duty player during my studies, and I'm still modest compared to the champions who are at Paris Games Week this week," said Cédric O. He regrets having had tidied the controller because of its political functions. "I do not have time to play any more and my kids are a bit young, but when they grow up, maybe the virus will catch me!" And to finish with a little memory: "Two years ago, I came to the show and I had a little time to do some FIFA games, I had monopolized a console, I had made myself bawl by the visitors! "