“Indeed, the national battalions, the so-called volunteer battalions, where the ultra-radicals have gathered, say that they will not go anywhere and will not let out the armed forces of Ukraine. But we hope that President Zelensky, as the supreme commander in chief, will ensure the fulfillment of his orders, ”Lavrov said.

He noted that with Zelensky’s coming to power, the situation in Ukraine “has really changed.”

“We are moving in the right direction, but, firstly, we need to bring all these actions to the end, and, secondly, I’ll remind you that these are just three small settlements (the village of Lugansk, Petrovskoye and Zolotoye. - RT ), and we want to to achieve the separation of forces and means along the entire line of contact, ”Lavrov emphasized.

Earlier, OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger expressed the hope that the withdrawal of forces in Petrovsky will begin next week.

The process of withdrawal of forces in the Zolotoy area began on October 29.

Zelensky later called the date of the beginning of the separation of forces in Petrovsky.