About 50 workers in the kitchens of the Gregorio Marañón hospital have reported the appearance of rats in the facilities . One of the rodents appeared next to the dishwasher and another, in the garbage room, according to the Health Workers Assembly Assembly (Mats).

The employees sent a letter last October 11 to the hospital center address in which they reported that, in less than a month, several rodents roam the facilities . According to the workers 'letter, rats have also been detected in the cooking area, in addition to the remains of their feces in the area "where the patients' food carts are stored, with the risk that they can be introduced into some car and go up to the floor. "

"The dangers of disease transmission are evident , both for patients and for workers," they denounce.

The Health Workers Assembly Assembly considers it "inadmissible" that these things can happen in a public hospital of the 21st century and require "immediate solutions" to protect the health of patients and workers.

In addition, it requires an investigation that purifies the responsibilities that the company in charge of carrying out these tasks may have.

From the Gregorio Marañón they allege that the center is subject to a strict control of deratization , according to the established regulations. "The kitchen of the center maintains an exhaustive daily cleaning, like the garbage room, which is emptied and cleaned daily. Therefore, the Gregorio Marañón Hospital does not share the claims about the permanence of dead vectors in its facilities, since the hospital, upon notification of any incident of this type, acts immediately, "sources of the hospital have assured.

After asking for explanations from the deratization company, it has indicated as a possible threat the public sewer near the hospital, outside its facilities.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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