Paris (AFP)

The example of George Weah, former footballer renamed president of Liberia, can he inspire the young pensioner Samuel Eto'o? "Everyone wants me a career in politics" but "it does not interest me at the moment," said the former striker Cameroon in an exclusive interview with AFP.

"Everyone wants me a career in politics, but we are not going to have 10 million Weah, everyone is born with his star, all of us at some point in politics at our level." not interested at the moment, "said Samuel Eto'o, a few weeks after the announcement of his retirement, at 38 years.

Absolute idol in Cameroon, Eto'o had supported Paul Biya, president irremovable for 37 years, before his re-election in 2018. The head of the state aged 86, facing multiple crises including the English-speaking region of country, had released in early October its main opponent, Maurice Kamto, unfortunate candidate in the presidential election.

"I do not have a look at this, even though I have a lot of attacks coming from my country.Many people may say that I have this idea, but I tell them that it does not exist in my head for the moment, and I hope it will not exist, "he insisted.

"But it's a right for everyone to have this desire at some point, it's a duty of every citizen, and if you want to introduce yourself, no one will stop you. if it were reserved for some ... Personally, it is not a goal, "he added.

With what precise role? "My exact mission is to lobby the federations," he said. I'll go talk to the federation presidents to convince them to join President Ahmad's mission. Today, we are in this process to be proud of this Confederation. "

The case has seen several upheavals in recent months, which led to the appointment, challenged in June, the N.2 of Fifa Fatma Samoura to oversee its operation from 1 August, and for a renewable six-month term .

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