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Donald Trump has banned members of his administration from responding to congressional summonses. REUTERS / Leah Millis

This is a formal step in the process of impeachment of the American President: the House of Representatives must adopt this Thursday a resolution that sets the framework for the continuation of the investigation. The text provides Donald Trump with the means to defend himself if he agrees to cooperate with the investigation. But the White House denounces a scam.

With our correspondent in Washington, Anne Corpet

All of the witnesses heard in the chamber's investigation have been heard in camera for the time being, and the Republicans were denouncing an opaque and secretive procedure.

If the resolution proposed for a vote on Thursday is adopted, certain depositions may be public, and provided that the White House cooperates with the demands of the Congress, the Republican side may call its own witnesses and submit objections.

→ To listen: Trump's removal: "For a majority of voters, we must at least begin this investigation"

Nothing required the House to vote on this resolution now, but it marks a new stage in the process that Mitch Mc Connell, leader of the Republican majority in the Senate, welcomes with satisfaction: " The Democrats obviously respond to the pressure we have exercised over them to conduct the proceedings in a more transparent manner, in accordance with the standards that every American is entitled to expect. "

But the White House does not seem ready to play the game of transparency. In a statement, the presidency called the text proposed by the Democrats a scam. Donald Trump has banned members of his administration from responding to congressional summons, and continues to call the witch-hunt proceedings against him.