Abdullah Hamed-Cairo

The military museum in Cairo's archaeological fortress remains closed for the sixth consecutive year under the pretext of maintenance and restoration, that is, since President Abdel Fattah El Sisi took office.

Visitors to the museum were surprised to close it, although military museums are available for free visits on national occasions such as the anniversary of the October 6 war on Sunday.

The biggest surprise was that the only shattered sign belonging to the anniversary of the October War, a Russian-made cannon used in the war, was lying uninterested next to the museum, according to visitors who took pictures of it.

They have long written about the presence of something in the same President al-Sisi about the October war that led to the arrest of many of the war heroes who are still alive, including former Chief of Staff Sami Annan, former ambassador and former thunderbolt officer Masum Marzouk, and officer Yahya Hussein Abdel-Hadi and others .

El-Sisi earned the rank of Field Marshal without going to war as required by the controls to obtain such a high degree that did not get in the history of the Egyptian military only a few, and the October war was the last wars fought in Egypt while Sisi was still a student in the military high school, and therefore did not fight No war in defense of the country since graduating from the military college.

The shattered plate was a cannon used in the October War .

Sisi's supporters defend him by claiming he was given a high military rank because he "saved Egypt" from the Muslim Brotherhood's rule by overthrowing the country's first elected civilian president, equivalent to fighting a war.

It appeared from separate statements to Sisi that he wanted to put his head with the head of the late President Anwar Sadat, who led the country to war in this period, he said in a leaked interview with the head of the Akhbar Al Youm journalist Yasser Rizk that he saw in a dream that he met Sadat, and the latter said To him, I am the President of Egypt.

On the other hand, Alaa Mubarak, son of former President Hosni Mubarak, published tweets in the past few hours on his Twitter account with pictures of his father in military uniform, with videos of him during the war, expressing pride in what he said "the last president of Egypt fought free to defend it," according to comments on the posts. This made it comparable to Sisi on the military weight of both and their policies in the country.