Paris (AFP)

Wild, only boss. The owner of Stade Francais, Swiss businessman Hans-Peter Wild, became the new president of the Paris club after Hubert Patricot resigned him at a meeting of the Board of Directors on Wednesday, the team announced. .

"I accepted Hubert's resignation and taking the presidency myself, I learned a lot, I made my own opinions," Wild told the sports daily.

The wealthy entrepreneur and German-born Swiss lawyer, who bought the Stade Français in May 2017, had already made his mark on the club for two years, installing for example Patricot as president, and Heyneke Meyer as sports director. On Wednesday, he renewed his confidence in the controversial South African Meyer.

"I have not lost my enthusiasm, I remain convinced that we have a good project.I think we have made a lot of progress, even if the current sports situation is hard (3 defeats in 4 games, ed). what I'm discouraged? Absolutely not. When you start something, you have to finish it, "added the new Paris president.

Hubert Patricot, the former president, for his part justified his resignation by stating that he had "never had in (his) roadmap the idea of ​​one day being president of a professional club".

"When Hans-Peter asked me to take over the presidency in 2017, we talked about a horizon of two or three years, it's a good time for me to leave. now the locomotive of the club, "he told L'Equipe.

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