• Pd, Zingaretti: "We turn the page, the era of populism ends"
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08 September 2019We will focus on the speech that the President of the Council, Giuseppe Conte, will hold in the Chamber, on the day in which the 'ritual' of the request for confidence in the two branches of Parliament opens. And headlights also focused on the numbers of the Senate - which will be expressed Tuesday - where there is a smaller majority than at Montecitorio.

Maneuver, relations with Europe, immigration. These should be the cornerstones of Conte's speech for the birth of the new yellow-red government. And he will not fail to reaffirm the principle of political philosophy that is close to his heart, that of the pursuit of a new humanism. Development, growth, great tax reform to make everyone pay, but less. The cutting of the tax wedge, some of the issues concerning the next Budget law. As for Europe: a critical but constructive dialogue and the revision of the stability pact, as asked by the head of state, Sergio Mattarella, in his message to Cernobbio. And on immigration: Italy, this would be the indication, is aware of being able to make a fundamental contribution starting from the revision of the Dublin Treaty. As for the Security bis decree: the need to take into account the annotations of the head of state, Sergio Mattarella. And then again Conte will talk about disabled and earthquake victims. This will be a government for the country, we must put aside the conflicts in a spirit of loyal collaboration, the message of the prime minister who is still filing the text.

Conte will speak at 11, in Montecitorio. After his speech there will be a suspension of the work of the Chamber in order to allow him to deposit the text in the Senate. Then, the general discussion will take place in the Assembly, with the times dictated by the Conference of the group leaders, and the premier will make his reply around 5 pm.

Afterwards, the explanations of vote of the various political groups that sit in Parliament. The voting will take place by nominal call. And when the Chamber - where there are those who estimate that the yeses to Conte will be around 350 - and the Senate have approved the trust, the government will enter its full powers.

"Tomorrow morning I will be in the Chamber of Deputies to present the guidelines of the new government on the occasion of the vote of confidence", the same Count writes on his Facebook page. "You will be able to follow my speech from 11 on live streaming here on my page," adds the President of the Council.