Confusion deepened in UK “EU postponement postponement” and “if dissolution general election” 10:18 on September 4

EU-European Parliament has decided that the British Parliament will debate a bill to postpone the withdrawal from the 4th. Prime Minister Johnson, who wants to leave on time, has expressed his intention to hold a general election if parliament passes the postponement, and the UK's turmoil is deepening as the two-month deadline is reached.

The British Parliament voted on the morning of 4th Japan time to decide whether to deliberate the bill for postponing the withdrawal deadline submitted by the bipartisan lawmakers, and was voted with the majority of 328 votes in favor and 301 votes against .

In the voting, about 20 people from the ruling Conservative Party will be in favor of Prime Minister Johnson's request, and it is expected to support the bill that will be deliberated from the 4th.

Prime Minister Johnson, who claims to be sure to leave at the end of next month, says, `` If you agree with the meaningless postponement, the solution is only an election, '' and if Congress passes the bill, it expresses the idea of ​​holding a general election did.

In order to hold a general election, more than two-thirds of the House of Representatives is required, but the British media reported that it is expected to be held in the middle of next month, and the general election just before the deadline is realistic. It is told.

In the UK, concerns about “withdrawal without consensus”, which is a major blow to citizens' lives and economic activities, are deeply rooted.