145 tons of tomatoes used in 1 hour 5:45 on August 29th in Spain


An annual festival of throwing a lot of tomatoes was held in Spain, and more than 20,000 people from all over the world dyed the whole body red.

This festival, called “La Tomatina”, is held annually in Bunyor, a town in eastern Spain, during this time, with around 22,000 participants from all over the world.

Participants grabbed the tomatoes thrown from the truck bed so that they could fight each other. It was.

The festival began about 70 years ago when local youths quarreled with tomatoes sold at street vendors.

The tomatoes used for the festival reached 145 tons in just one hour, and the entire town was dyed red as well as those who participated.

A 21-year-old Japanese man who participated said, “I am very happy and happy to participate in this crazy festival”.