
US President Trump has made a statement from Kim Jong-un, the North's secretary of state. We hope to resume negotiations on North America as soon as the ROK-US Combined Forces Training ends.

I'm Correspondent Washington Sohn.


President Trump tweeted early in the morning at a vacation destination, saying that Kim Jong-un wants to resume negotiations with North America.

"Kim said very kindly in his letter that he wanted to meet as soon as the ROK-US Combined Training was over and resume negotiations."

Kim also said, "The missile test will stop when the US-Korea training is finished."

The US-Korea training session is expected to end early this month, and there is a good chance that North American working negotiations will resume later this month.

Trump added that Kim also made small apologies for the missile launch.

It is intended to emphasize that North Korea's fifth missile launch does not threaten the United States against the United States and that the situation is well managed.

President Trump said yesterday (10th) that he had received a three-page letter, saying North Korea and the United States do not like training with the United States.

[Trump / U.S. President (Yesterday): I do not like ROK-US combined training. Because I hate paying for training. The United States must get back the cost of training and tell it to Korea.]

President Trump also said the United States has been in a very difficult position because of a dispute over Japan and Japan, and he hopes Korea and Japan will get along well.