Sounds strange and inappropriate, prompted residents in Germany to call the police recently, and not everyone knew that these annoying voices come from the process of marriage hedgehogs, according to the site "Russia Today."

The hedgehog mating is accompanied by loud noises from these animals, much like human voices. In recent months, German police have received hundreds of calls from different parts of the country - complaints from residents of their neighbors' intimate relationships with loud and unrelated voices. Decent, while some think the sound comes from an infected animal, hurts outside the house.

The hedgehog mating process may last for hours, and accompanying sounds can be heard within 430 square feet, and their strength can vary from hissing to loud screaming.

Police said the highest rate of complaints related to hedgehog mating occurred during the summer months, while experts stressed that hedgehogs should not be disturbed during their mating, because their numbers are decreasing rapidly in populated places.